Wainscoting Calculator – Super Simple

There are already wainscoting calculators out there but they’re too complicated.

This wainscoting calculator uses numbers that you can use with a tape measure!

How to Paint Laminate Cabinets without Sanding

In this post we’ll go over how to paint laminate cabinets. We did this project in one of our vacation rentals which had builder grade cabinets

Converting A Box Spring into a Platform Bed

Let me first say that converting a box spring into a platform bed is not as difficult as you would think. When we bought our first vacation rental in Kissimmee all the beds had box springs. Box springs are just fine if they are new but once they are a few years old the box springs are almost always the part of the bed that starts to squeak.

DIY Wainscoting – Part 2 – Cutting The Frames

The cutting is one of the two areas where you can save TONS of time… if you use the tips that you’ll find here.

In this post, we’ll cover cutting the moldings for the rectangular wainscoting boxes. Since these are either rectangular, all the moldings used for these boxes will have 45-degree angles.

DIY Wainscoting – Part 1 – Design And Layout

In this post, I’ll go over what we did and why we did it. No matter what style you choose, you’ll find tips here to make your install go smoother.

Our Lastest Projects

DIY Wainscoting – Part 3 – Installing The Molding

In this post I'm going to go over installing the wainscoting frames and the tips and tricks I found while installing them. Okay, so you've figured out the measurements of your wainscoting frames, and you know how to cut the pieces of the frame. Well...

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Converting A Box Spring into a Platform Bed

Let me first say that converting a box spring into a platform bed is not as difficult as you would think. When we bought our first vacation rental in Kissimmee all the beds had box springs. Box springs are just fine if they are new but once they are a few years old the box springs are almost always the part of the bed that starts to squeak.

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DIY Wainscoting – Part 2 – Cutting The Frames

The cutting is one of the two areas where you can save TONS of time… if you use the tips that you’ll find here.

In this post, we’ll cover cutting the moldings for the rectangular wainscoting boxes. Since these are either rectangular, all the moldings used for these boxes will have 45-degree angles.

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DIY Home Theater Final Reveal

It took quite a bit of research and effort to get the theater done and it is finished!

Actually, the theater was finished a while ago but I realized that we never had the reveal along with additional pics of the finished theater.

So here it is, the home theater final reveal!

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How To Start A Grow Bag Victory Garden

Our latest project is indoor gardening. Our initial attempt at a green thumb was trying to give our kitchen scraps a chance at a second life. We’re still doing that, and in addition to that, we’ve also planting seeds.

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Support Your Local Farmer Join A CSA!

Most of us buy our fresh fruit and vegetables from the local supermarket or a big box store. You’ll predictably find the same items in stock, and they’re pretty reliable. Do you want make a change and try food that’s fresher and locally grown?

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Hi! We’re Steve and Sandy, welcome to our Blog! This is where you’ll find our latest projects, along with tips and any helpful info we come across.  We’re happy to have you here and would love to hear your feedback on what projects this may have sparked for you.